
Performer Support Objects

This tag is associated with 3 posts

It really comes down to performance…

I been talking with a number of people recently on topics such as creating a community of practice (CoP), expanding professional development programs, and integrating talent management into learning past compliance.  In all of these discussions someone has brought up the need to develop and deliver “training” programs.  When I dig into the question a … Continue reading

Guide me and I will learn sooner!

Have you seen the work being done at the Center for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT) around the New Workplace Learning model?  Aligned with Gary Wise’s learning moments @ point of work where 95% of our time is spent outside of formal training this new model supports the creation, use, and support of role/task specific … Continue reading

LCMS – I’m over and done!

I break with thee oh old LCMS – enough!  As we move to support people at the point of need the key focus should be on the tools that help identify the need first and then guide the solution to those in search.  ~95% of an employee’s time is not spent in training, they are … Continue reading
